
Why Equine Vaccinations Matter

Horses are strong, hardy animals, but, like all animals, they’re still susceptible to disease. Whether your horses are working animals, show horses, livestock, or simply companions, you can protect them from some of the most common contagious and dangerous diseases with a regular schedule of vaccinations.

Core and Risk-Based Equine Vaccine

Not every horse needs to have every vaccination that’s been developed. Equine vaccines fall into two categories: core and risk-based vaccines. Core vaccines include those that are typically recommended for all horses, and risk-based vaccines include those that are only recommended on a case-by-case basis.

Core Equine Vaccines

The five core vaccinations for horses are:

All of the diseases from which these core vaccinations safeguard horses have high fatality rates and/or long-lasting symptoms that will hinder a horse’s health and performance for life. In most cases, equine veterinarians recommend that all horses receive a regular schedule that includes these core vaccinations.

Risk-Based Equine Vaccines

Additional risk-based vaccinations that are commonly administered on a case-by-case basis include:

What Vaccinations Do My Horses Need?

Not every horse will need to receive every vaccination. For individual horses, equine veterinarians usually make recommendations that include a combination of core and risk-based vaccines. These recommendations are based on each individual horse’s:

Our veterinarians at Advanced Equine keep track of all disease outbreaks that occur in our region, and we’ll make recommendations based on what our veterinarians and equine veterinarians from other practices are seeing in their patients. Additionally, horses that are exposed to lots of other horses (on neighboring farms, in horse shows, or at competitions) will likely receive a greater number of vaccinations due to their increased exposure risk.

For any horse, a thorough veterinary examination and evaluation are necessary to determine the appropriate schedule of vaccinations to keep that particular horse thriving and healthy.

More Ways to Strengthen a Horse's Immune System

The most important part of safeguarding a horse from disease is maintaining overall good health and an equally strong immune system. You can help support your horse’s immune system by always providing a balanced and nutritious diet, plenty of exercise, shelter and a clean environment, and regular veterinary care.
To schedule a checkup and vaccinations for your horse, we invite you to contact Advanced Equine of the Hudson Valley today.